Saturday, January 21, 2012

What is Sawdust?

In the beginning of this week I found myself starting another semester of school. But unlike other semesters I find myself taking a class that is both enlightening and confusing. If any of you have taken a philosophy class you know exactly what I mean. So just for fun we're going to do the philosophers way of looking at sawdust.

Let us begin with what is wood? It's most basic parts are made of tinny tiny, itty bitty, insy winsy fibers that interlock so delicately that they form wood. But then you must ask yourself what is delicate? The great philosophers of the past might respond with "Is delicate really something we can feel? Or might it be something that we do?" I believe I will allow you, yes you, to answer this question for yourself.

So if we have this wood and we want to make something wonderful. Why is it that we end up with sawdust? And why isn't sawdust good for anything but sawdust? If sawdust is really the last form of wood and wood is sawdust and sawdust has parts then why can't we make anything out of it!?.

This is the great dilemma of the world we find ourselves in. I hope this helps you to fully understand what sawdust can and can't be...ponder with me now the existence of sawdust and enjoy my friends.

Okay now for the real stuff. We would like to throw in something fun for all you blog followers. All four of you. We are going to start counting the bags of sawdust that we make. Considering we seem to be making a considerable amount of them. So here is your challenge. We will be posting this picture which is the beginning of our sawdust collection...

Then in future posts we will mention if we have created more bags. It is your job to keep track and count how many bags total by the end of the project. Anyone that gives us the correct number will receive a special prize. I understand that some of you may have an advatage since some of these bags ended up in your trash cans because we lacked room. But please no cheating.

Happy counting my friends!

1 comment:

  1. I think you should do a giveaway :) (hehehe)- I was a little shocked at the amount of sawdust you collected!!! WOW!
