Sunday, August 19, 2012

A Place for My Feet to Rest

Once upon a time there was a hole in the floor. It wasn't a big hole, it wasn't a small hole, it was just a hole. The problem with this hole is that it is in the wrong spot. For I the great driver of this car had no place to rest my feet (although if we do leave the hole it would make for an awesome flinstone car). like everything else on this car the piece that goes on the floor under the passenger and driver's feet is also wood. It interfaces with many different parts so there was a lot of cutting, fitting, and sanding to get it to fit. I started with this...

So after I made this pattern I cut it out of 1/2 in birch plywood which is the same plywood that is on all of the doors and quarter panels. You can add another bag of sawdust to your count. It took a little convincing to get the final piece where it needs to be. I unfortunately do not have a final final product, but here is what it basically looks like...

There will be 2 more cuts one for the battery which will be on the left hand side of this picture, and since we are putting in an overdrive there will be another holes right behind the emergency brake. Now that leaves us with only one more hole to fill in and that is under the front seat.

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